
Dark Matter

Created by Mage Hand Press

A 5th Edition supplement for rip-roaring space adventures! A full campaign setting in a 200+ page hardcover (and PDF!) book.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Dark Matter Live Streams
over 5 years ago – Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 09:03:06 PM

Quick update to point out two super exciting live streams of Dark Matter that'll be happening very soon:

Encounter Roleplay

First and foremost, we're super excited to see Encounter Roleplay dip their toes into Dark Matter for two streams, featuring Will Jones (@EncounterWill), Charlie (@FrostFrmFire), Nicklas (@nyvinter), and Pruitt from WebDM (@JPruInc)! The first stream is on:

Thursday 16th, at 8 PM EST

On the Encounter Roleplay Twitch channel! Yup, that's tonight. If you're at all interested in Encounter Roleplay, or you miss the stream and don't want to find it on Twitch, check out their YouTube channel.


Next up is DnD RAW Podcast (which stands for DnD Rules and Written, not DnD uncooked), which is one of our favorite new shows! Of course, if you listen all through their episodes (which you absolutely should), you won't find us anywhere -- that's because they're revisiting streaming for a one shot of Dark Matter! You should all give them an extremely warm welcome on  

Friday 17th, at 6 PM EST  

On their Twitch Channel! And if you find you love these players as much as we do, dig through their podcast here. If you need another reason to stop by: they'll be doing a giveaway of Mage Hand Press branded d20s and stickers, so make sure you show up!

Stretch Goal Reached: Faction Feats and Trinkets! Plus, a new featurette!
over 5 years ago – Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 12:04:25 AM

Ten days left in the Kickstarter and we've hit our first stretch goal: $27,000 dollars. And, for a few serendipitous moments, the number lingered on exactly $27,000:



So what's in this stretch goals? Four pages, two pages of faction feats and two pages of a really fun and reference-laden d100 Trinkets table. Here's a sample of the latter:



Moreover, we've got another featurette for you, this time looking into the spacecraft of Dark Matter:



Lastly, let's take another look at the Backer Achievements:

YouTube: 6120 views . We can definitely hit the achievement for YouTube views, especially since the number is rising so fast. Remember to keep tuning in and don't forget to share this channel with your friends!

Facebook: 53 shares . Facebook is still the furthest behind among these platforms and I'm ready to accept the blame on this one: we haven't been posting as often as I'd like and we should be counting both Likes and Shares. Next time we talk about it, I'll be doing just that!

Twitter: 820 retweets . Boom! That's a point! One more point and we unlock another addition to the book.

Tumblr: 921 shares. Wow, still climbing high! At this rate, there's a chance this will reach all three levels!



3 points so far!

2 points - Hoverboard Magic Item [done!]

4 points - Earth-Shattering Kaboom Spell

6 points - Coffee Cantrip

8 points - Double Laser Sword Magic Item

10 points - Grax's Guys for Cheap Stickers for all physical backers

12 points - Dark Matter Galaxy Poster for the 'Goodies' tier and above

Thank You!!
over 5 years ago – Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 09:39:11 PM

Thank you so much to everyone who supported this project. As of today, with two whole weeks left in the campaign, we are officially funded

As we come into the home stretch, we have two weeks to reach as many stretch goals as possible, so it's time to spread the word! By letting all our friends and family know about Dark Matter, we can make this book even better.

Thanks again for helping us make Dark Matter a reality! You ALL made this happen.


Here's your update on where the Backer Achievements are at:

YouTube: 5373 views. We're creeping up on the first YouTube achievement and we've got more videos coming down the pipeline soon! With some more views, we can get the achievements for this in the week. Share this one with your friends to get started!

Facebook: 41 shares; The Facebook's URL is now at (As an aside, sorry that we're optimizing our social media presence on the fly. This Kickstarter has been a real stress test on our social network competencies.)

Twitter : 592 rewteets. That puts us super close to the first milestone (750 retweets)! Remember, a retweet a day keeps the TPK away!

Tumblr: 811 notes. I may have under-counted these last time: turns out, we're past 800! Which means we score another point!



We're at 2 points, which means we've unlocked the Hoverboard Magic Item!

2 points - Hoverboard Magic Item [done!]

4 points - Earth-Shattering Kaboom Spell

6 points - Coffee Cantrip

8 points - Double Laser Sword Magic Item

10 points - Grax's Guys for Cheap Stickers for all physical backers

12 points - Dark Matter Galaxy Poster for the 'Goodies' tier and above

over 5 years ago – Tue, Aug 07, 2018 at 06:39:49 AM

This is the home stretch; our finding goal is just around the corner! We not only passed $20,000, but for a few enchanting seconds, the number lingered at exactly $20,000.



With this huge milestone in the bag, let's look at the Backer Achievement numbers, and see where we're at:  

YouTube: 3,600 views. There's a new Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies episode about building interesting campaign setting which counts for Dark Matter views. Give it a watch!

Facebook: 32 shares. Get out there and keep sharing this!

Twitter: 258 tweets. We've changed our Twitter handle to @MageHandPress to make us easier to find!

Tumblr: 504 notes. I'm switching this to counting notes, rather than exclusively reblogs, for ease of data collection. This puts us past the first milestone!



1 Point Scored!


2 points - Hoverboard Magic Item

4 points - Earth-Shattering Kaboom Spell

6 points - Coffee Cantrip

8 points - Double Laser Sword Magic Item

10 points - Grax's Guys for Cheap Stickers for all physical backers

12 points - Dark Matter Galaxy Poster for the 'Goodies' tier and above

Week 1 Wrap-Up
almost 6 years ago – Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 04:51:08 PM

(Note from Mike: Weirdly, this update didn't go live last night like I thought it did, so let's pretend it's yesterday and we're celebrating one week of awesome progress:)

It definitely doesn't feel like it's been a week since we've launched. We're already north of $15,500 (62% of our goal) and we've got literally 32 days left to go; it has been a killer start.

We've sold literally every one of our Epic pledge slots, except for the Epic Xenobiologist, which literally lets you design a monster with us that will be included in the book, art included and everything! If you're someone who's interested in that and wants to really help out the project, give it a look! (Or if you know anyone that thinks that would be cool, give them a nudge before it's sold out.)

Also, we're still creeping up on those Backer Achievements. Here's an update:  

Remember to keep Watching, Sharing, Rewtweeting, and Reblogging! Any post that so much as mentions Dark Matter will count toward the Backer Achievements.

Over the next week or so, I'd like to have some updates sharing some bits of Dark Matter you haven't seen before: the thwirrel, the wandering rift, the wrothian primarchs, to name a few, so stay tuned!